The Locals
I have been out and about snapping photographs all over our little part of Texas ... and here are some of my recent adventures.
One of the locals ... it is lizard season again it seems. Well to be honest I am not sure that there is ever a time when there aren't lizards but you see them a lot more in the summer. These ones are just little guys though. Still, once I moved something on the porch and one jumped across my hand and it freaked me out. This lizard was lounging on one of our patio chairs. I can't say that I blame him, it is a nice little patio :)
What freaked me out a whole lot more though ... was when Dianne had this brilliant idea to go to this "bird conservatory" and when we got there we saw a total of ONE bird ... and instead THREE crocodiles in the water. Now if I knew I was going to be walking through a crocodile infested area, well, I wouldn't be walking first of all, but secondly I would have made sure that it was somehow safe, this place was not. Three crocs in the water and all that seperated us from them were the bushes along the water line. Dianne thought that I was over-reacting when I said that I was leaving immediately but come on, it is spring, and what happens if there is a protective mama croc just waiting for someone to try and mess with her. And so we left the "bird conservatory". And this mean looking guy. I still can't believe that I actually had the guts to stay around long enough to take this picture.
So we went to the beach instead. It was a pretty cloudy and gloomy afternoon, the sky over the sea looked like a storm was brewing. And with our recent hurricane history it made us all wonder what the ocean must have looked like when Rita was looming over the waters and moving inland.
It was at the beach that I finally found a bird. And I chased this little guy (possibly girl) around the beach with my camera. I kept trying to convince him that he would be famous if he would just sit still for a second and let me take his picture, but he was not interested in fame. Still I have so many pictures of this bird it's crazy. You would have thought that I had never seen a bird before.